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File List | 1995-02-18 | 58.5 KB | 830 lines |
- 21DOOMCH.ZIP 59205 02-04-95 ░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▓█ Doom Cheat █▓▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░
- | ▒░▒░▒░▒▓█ v2.A Works with DOOM ][ █▓▒░▒░▒░▒░
- | ░ DOOM(][) Saved game editor that lets you ▒
- | ▒ enable GOD mode, Walk through walls, get ░
- | ░ all the AMMO, keys, HEALTH, armor you ▒
- | ▒want. DOOM(2) key code list build in. Load░
- | ▒ parameters you choose. Works with ░
- | ░ DOOM I versions 1.1 - 1.666 and DOOM ][. ▒
- | ▒ Mouse optional. Online & file DOC. ░
- | ░▒░▒░▒░▒▓█ CGA+ & 286+ required. █▓▒░▒░▒░▒░▒
- APCID3.ZIP 335598 08-09-94 APCiDOOM is a front-end utility for DOOM as w
- | allows high-speed modem users to play FOUR PL
- | via the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server.
- | The current version of APCiDOOM as of 8/6/94
- | requires DOOM v1.6 beta or later.
- APCIDM53.ZIP 432753 01-01-95 -> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-
- | APCiDOOM v5.3 is a freeware utility for
- | DOOM or DOOM II. It is the client
- | software that allows high-speed modem
- | users to play FOUR PLAYER true network
- | modem DOOM via the APCi MultiPlayer Game
- | Server. It features a chat utility that
- | enables players to chat and change WAD
- | files/settings before and between games.
- | Supported modes are modem, serial link,
- | and IPX. Proper operation requires DOOM
- | v1.666 or DOOM II v1.7a or later.
- BLUEKEY.ZIP 4848 10-30-94 Humorous FAQ from the alt.games.dom.ii
- | newsgroup, in response to all the postings
- | about where to find the blue key.
- BSP12X.ZIP 109934 08-12-94 This is BSP version 1.2 dos extended,
- | written by Colin Reed: New version due to bug
- | found by Mark Harrison that caused some
- | problems with flipped segs having their
- | textures buggered up. The GO32 dos extender
- | has been pre-pended to the executable.
- | This builds a BSP node tree for your DOOM wad
- | files.
- CLIENT20.ZIP 34940 10-26-94 Software to play doom! Via internet.
- CODEDOOM.ZIP 2122 10-21-94 This is a text file with ALL the known codes
- | for DOOM and DOOM II.
- D2CODES.ZIP 844 10-12-94 NEWEST codes for Doom II including...
- | The Secret Wolfenstein Levels!
- D2LINDEF.ZIP 2366 12-06-94 DOOM II LineDefs Listing for use with DEU
- | or other DOOM Editors found on Fido net...
- | The following is a list of Linedef types
- | posted on the Doom-editor's mailing list
- | by DOOM God John Romero. This is the 1st
- | complete and comprehensive listing
- | ailable. You can use these numbers in
- | DEU, even where DEU doesn't have a
- | specific name for them...
- D2SECRET.ZIP 17171 10-23-94 SECRETS LIST All the official secret areas in
- | the game DOOM are numbered and listed in this
- | text, along with the sector number, IDMYPOS
- | coordinates, and decimal coordinates.
- DCC33.ZIP 80827 10-11-94 DOOM Control Center v3.3 - NEW! Supports DOOM
- | 1.666 Run single/serial/modem/network games.
- | Mouse-driven user interface, control all
- | aspects of modem and net games WITHOUT
- | command line parameters. Use external WADs,
- | edit chat macros, saved games. Re-assign
- | levels of WAD files. Browse internal
- | directory of WAD files. New features: -
- | Supports DOOM v1.666 - Browse the level stats
- | of WAD files
- DCK20.ZIP 425876 02-02-95 Doom Construction Kit v2.0 (Zerius Dev.)
- | Edits DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC maps. If you
- | thought 1.0 was cool, check this out: DCK use
- | all the memory of your 386/486 computer to
- | help you create intricate dungeons quickly an
- | easily. DCK unobtrusively takes care of
- | mundane tasks like sidedef, sector and vertex
- | references, but still allows you complete
- | control over the design of your map. DCK is
- | fast, powerful, very intuitive and has a grea
- | interface. Requires DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 or
- | Heretic, a mouse, a SuperVGA or VESA card, an
- | a good imagination. Uncrippled *FREEWARE* by
- | Ben Morris / ZDev
- DDEM.ZIP 111388 10-25-94 Very nice Doom shell. Works with Doom I and
- | II, and allows swapping of WAD files between
- | versions.
- DDL100A.ZIP 61091 01-10-95 Domain DataLink v1.00a - DOOM & More on your
- | Domain DataLink allows for your users
- | to play DOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and
- | many other modem games through your BBS.
- | It also allows for DIRECT user to user
- | transfers and more!
- | Works with most BBS packages supporting
- | dropfiles.
- DDT10B.ZIP 359354 10-30-94 DDT v1.0b, a DOOM ][ editor
- DE260TUT.ZIP 23907 08-12-94 Doom Editor 260 Tutorial
- DEDIT.ZIP 117941 08-12-94 Doom Object Editor v1.0 Works only with
- | registered DOOM Uploaded by author
- DEEPSHAR.ZIP 517534 01-31-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────────
- | │ DeeP V6.13 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor Progra
- | │ HeeP V6.13 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor Pro
- | │ Both are complete rewrites and major enhanc
- | └────────────────────────────────────────────
- | 1. DOOM to DOOM II to HERETIC (and back) lev
- | 3. Instant graphical Thing and Texture feedb
- | 4. Edits large levels using conventional mem
- | 5. DeePbsp 3.0 (a DPMI revision of TBSP 2.2)
- | DeePbsp is a very fast and accurate node
- | 6. A complete easy comprehensive check of yo
- | 7. OnLine help; you can Search, Print and ev
- DEPMV070.ZIP 100068 10-02-94 DOOMEDIT/PM OS/2 PM DOOM Map Editor, BETA
- | version 0.70 for OS/2 2.x FREEWARE
- DEPMV100.ZIP 308298 12-19-94 DEPMV100 - DoomEdit/PM Version 1.00
- | Multi-threaded OS/2 PM Doom and Doom2 map
- | editor, 32-bit C, drag-and-drop PM interface,
- | background threaded node builder, checking,
- | PWAD merging and conversion, full help and
- | tutorial. Unzip unto DOOMEDPM directory and
- | go to town. File: DEPMV100.ZIP
- DESFAQ.ZIP 14906 08-12-94 Text file concerning design issues while
- | making Doom WADs. List of necessary
- | programs, most common design errors, how
- | to, etc.
- DESIGN12.ZIP 25718 10-08-94 DESIGN12.FAQ v1.2 Frequently Asked Questions
- | bout DOOM Level Design (09 Sept 1994)
- | by Tom Neff <tneff@panix.com>
- | This document answers questions on DOOM level
- | design in general, not how to play the game
- | (covered in the DOOM FAQ v5.8) or how
- | to use a particular editor
- | (read the documentation that came with it).
- DEU2TEXT.ZIP 2164 10-24-94 This is a text file containing ALL the NEW
- | textures for the ceilings and floor of DOOM
- | II, Hell on Earth. As you know a modifyed
- | version of DEU5.21 was release not long ago,
- | but it doesn't contain the ceiling or floor
- | textures for DOOM II. This text file tells
- | you how to get around that problem. Enjoy!
- DEU4IDIT.ZIP 12307 08-26-94 Deu4idit.zip is a tutorial which explains how
- | to use the DOOM Editor, DEU.
- | "DEU FOR IDIOTS" is the full tutorial name.
- DEU52GCC.ZIP 547654 07-27-94 ------=====DEU Version 5.2 =====------
- | -----==== DJGPP/GO32 version ====-----
- | A 3-bit version of Deu 5.2.
- | It's faster, can use all of your
- | available memory (including that on
- | your harddrive). *NO* documention,
- | examples etc. is included in this
- | distribution. To get that, get the
- | "original" version. Unzip using
- | PKUNZIP -d to create the directories!
- DFE311.ZIP 272788 08-09-94 Doom Front End - Excellent Doom menuing
- | system. Allows network play, serial, and
- | standalone. Nice utilities - Map view, Map
- | statistics, Item Locator. Load external WADs
- | and PWADs. Transfer file over IPX network.
- | =============================================
- | Be sure to load the DFE311 patch (included).
- DGATE160.ZIP 15487 08-12-94 +--------[ DOOM!gate v1.6 ]--------+
- | +------- (c) 1994 Jani Halme -------+
- | DOOM!gate is perhaps the most
- | sophisticated and nicest-looking
- | DOOM! loader. It suports nearly
- | all DOOM! command line arguments
- | such as: -warp, -respawn, -evparm
- | -nomonsters, -fast, -altdoom and
- | also all switches for starting a
- | multiplayer game via IPX network,
- | modem or serial port. Modem users
- | will also like the phonebook.
- | +------------ CARDWARE! ------------+
- DHACKS11.ZIP 211710 10-10-94 A collection of patches for dehacked.
- DHE22.ZIP 75293 12-11-94 DeHackEd v2.2, the best Doom exe editor
- | available! Make invisible monsters, whatever
- | YOU want. Now with mouse support too! Works
- | with all versions of Doom from 1.2 to 1.7a.
- DIE024.ZIP 31000 11-08-94 DIE v2.4 (Doom Image Editor) is a utility for
- | the seemingly endless tools for the DOOM wad.
- | You can export an Image from WADTOOLS and
- | import it to DIE. Then you can paint all
- | over it, import it back to WADTOOLS, and
- | Shazam. Custom walls. You can also use the
- | -file param (as mentioned above) to test out
- | the new image.
- DIETDOOM.ZIP 20301 09-10-94 WAD Authoring Template V1.4 for DOOM
- DINSAN56.ZIP 13707 08-12-94 ** DOOM iNsAnItY v5.6 ** by: Hank Leukart.
- | Contains humor about DOOM by id Software.
- DL100B6.ZIP 115369 10-07-94 The BEST Shell For DOOM! DOOMLAUNCH
- | - Fully Supports DOOM v1.666!
- | - Menu-Driven Access To All DOOM Options!
- DLOAD10.ZIP 58984 08-19-94 **** DOOM-Load ****
- | Allows modem/solo with:
- | * No monsters
- | * start on any level
- | * Load games
- | * External Wad (PWAD)
- | ... more!
- | Supports mouse, very nice
- | look to it. This is 1.0!
- DM1TODM2.ZIP 66137 12-17-94 DM1toDM2.EXE v1.0ß - by David L. Davis
- | (Multi-Level Doom I to Doom II Converter)
- DM2CHT10.ZIP 32428 09-03-94 DOOM2CHT v1.0 - CHEAT FOR DOOM2 SAVE GAMES
- DM2GUIDE.ZIP 5691 12-10-94 DooM ][ Monster and Weapons guide
- DM2SPEC.ZIP 27530 10-25-94 Un-official Doom II specs for DEU 5.21
- DM2WAD.ZIP 243170 10-10-94 Texture Convertor from Doom I to Doom II
- DMAPED30.ZIP 225069 08-12-94 DMapEdit v3.0 - A map editor for Doom!
- | Change the maps in doom, or make a new
- | one! Requires a mouse, and Super VGA.
- DMARENA4.ZIP 26067 11-07-94 ■ Version: DOOM II
- | ■ WAD Filename: DMARENA4.WD
- | ■ Replaces: MAP01
- | ■ Death Match Support? Yes
- | ■ Player: 1[X] 2[X] 3[X] 4[X]
- DMAUDWIN.ZIP 289463 12-29-94 DMaud For Windows v1.1 DOOM Audio Editor The
- | First Internal DOOM Audio Editor! Works with
- | DOOM 1 and Original Sounds From DOOM II.
- | Shareware $20 Written By Richard Ratayczak
- | For Disk And Des.
- DMBAUD.ZIP 2030 08-12-94 DOOM baud upgrade works with DOOM v1.2
- | SERSETUP. It will increase the baud rate
- | of your serial port from 9600 to 14,400
- | resulting in better performance in
- | multiplayer games
- DMCAD.ZIP 599684 02-08-95 This is a good util to buid or edit DOOM
- | levels through windows!
- DMCAD51.ZIP 675395 01-05-95 DOOMCAD 5.1: THE state of the art
- | Doom level creation facility. Features:
- | 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, prefab construction kit,
- | FULL tutorial. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- | Fixes buggy 5.0
- DMCC32.ZIP 78240 12-17-94 DOOM Control Center v3.2.
- DMCHK20.ZIP 23885 11-08-94 DMCHECK a utility to check the version of
- | DOOM, to check if the installed version is
- | registered or not, to verify the available
- | free disk space, to change or display the
- | date/time of a file and to show a prompt
- | while waiting for a key to be pressed as a
- | response. Handy utility for PWAD authors who
- | have to ensure that the user is running a
- | registered version of DOOM.
- DMCONFIG.ZIP 5798 08-12-94 ≡≡≡ DOOM Config for LANtastic 6.0 ≡≡≡
- | "multi" configuration meaning you can choose
- | how and what you want to loadwhen your
- | computer starts up. Slightly complex but
- | neatly written by me, Deric Benesch ». Have
- | fun playing DOOM net with lantastic!
- DMDEFAQ.ZIP 25695 01-25-95 FAQ for all those Doom editors
- DME301.ZIP 368831 08-20-94 DMapEdit v3.01 for DOOM
- DMF132.ZIP 39570 11-08-94 DOOM Modem Front version 1.32 by Brian Groose
- | This program was created to be used only for
- | modem play. In order to take up the least
- | amount of memory the program does not
- | actually start DOOM. It creates a batch file
- | (which is also the program's data file) that
- | will execute DOO with the options you chose.
- DMFAQ58.ZIP 107401 09-10-94 This is the Official DOOM FAQ distributed wit
- DMFE001.ZIP 47263 08-12-94 DMFE - DMAUD Front-End version 0.0.1 1994 by
- | DMUAD util by Bill Neisius - assists you in
- | the replacement of DOOM sounds by allowing
- | you to assign sound files to slots, preview
- | original and replacement sounds, and
- | batch-feed DMAUD with your replacement sound
- | selections. Also allows you to tweak sounds
- | later on without having to enter them all
- | again.
- DMFRNT12.ZIP 61724 08-12-94 DOOMFRNT 1.2 is a MUST have for DOOM
- | players. It acts as a Front End that
- | will allow you to Warp to levels, Load
- | Saved Games, Serial(modem) support, and
- | a ton of other options. New version
- | supports PWAD files and Network mode!
- | only costs 2 stamps to Register!
- | BY: Mike Benson
- | v1.2 fixes all known bugs
- DMGPH11D.ZIP 38375 12-17-94 DOOM Graphic Editor - version 1.1d Nov 1994
- | **** By Bill Neisius ***
- | DMGRAPH will store graphics into or extract
- | graphics from DOOM WAD and PWAD files, in
- | GIF or PPM formats. Graphic format type is
- | controlled by the filename suffix, or by
- | using the '-T' option on the command line.
- | * New -w switch: Path to WAD File.
- | * New -n swih: New graphic entry in PWAD
- | not found in IWAD.
- DMGRAFX.ZIP 5146 10-25-94 ---*-> Grafx Add-On Tips for DooM <-*---
- | This is a list of many tips on how to
- | edit certain graphics files, for use in
- | the DOOM.WAD, using utilities such as
- | DMGRAPH. This will help all you artists
- | out here, incorporate professionally
- | done graphics add-ons in your WADs!
- DMGUIDE.ZIP 5675 08-12-94 DMGUIDE.ZIP--This is a strategy guide for
- | id's well known game, DOOM. It is intended
- | to help the novice player learn the best wayt
- | to play the game. This volume discusses the
- | best control set-up, the weapons, and it
- | includes several cheat codes. Just download,
- | unzip, and view with DOS's edit program (or
- | anything else for .txt files).
- DMHOW11.ZIP 4447 10-21-94 DOOM! text file tips & tricks
- DMHOWTO.ZIP 4268 08-10-94 DOOM How To is a condensed guide on playing
- | DOOM from the codes, command line parameters,
- | .LMP recordings, etc.
- DMINIT12.ZIP 19358 08-12-94 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗
- | ║ Doom Modem Init V1.2 - 3/14/94 ║
- | ╟───────────────────────────────────────╢
- | ║ Contains Init strings for over 30 ║
- | ║ modems. (This has the MODEM.CFG, that ║
- | ║ was forgotten in V1.1) SORRY! ║
- | ║ Also contains a HIGH SPEED, better ║
- | ║ sersetup.exe that supports any ║
- | ║ IRQ & port control. V2.8 of this drvr.║
- | ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝
- DMKEYS.ZIP 2494 12-28-94 Doom cheat codes!
- DMLNCH11.ZIP 413881 08-12-94 Doom Launcher for OS/2! This program is a
- | VX-REXX program which allows you to launch
- | Doom with all the known command line
- | parameters. The command line parameters are
- | activated via check boxes, lists, etc.
- | Required: OS/2 V2.1 or OS/2 V2.11. VX-REXX
- | run time DLL is included. This is shareware.
- | A nominal fee ($5) is required for
- | registration.
- DMLTYP.ZIP 6594 09-09-94 nformation on Doom line types for use with
- | level editors.
- DMLVLFX.ZIP 75660 09-21-94 A program that will let you flip your wads so
- | if you are used to turning right to get a
- | weapon you will now have to turn left. DOOM
- DMMUS10A.ZIP 15540 11-08-94 DOOM Music Editor - version 1.0 April 1994
- | DMMUSIC will store music into or extract
- | music from DOOM WAD and PWAD files.
- DMREVEAL.ZIP 1301 08-13-94 MODEM.CFG file for Doom modem play using the
- | REVEAL V.42bis modem.
- DMRMSS.ZIP 23207 08-12-94 Utility to let 2-4 players play DOOM over
- | serial ports
- DMS.ZIP 5541 02-08-95 This is a new doom menuing system. It was
- | specifically designed for sersetup.It saves
- | you lots of work and time.This program
- | requires the ansi.sys to be in your
- | config.sys. The program has many awsome
- | features to it!
- DMSERHLP.ZIP 1719 08-12-94 DOOM 2 Player Modem/Serial Help
- DMSTWD.ZIP 31666 11-08-94 This program will search a specified PWAD for
- DMTCP.ZIP 29358 11-08-94 DOOM TCP/IP Network Driver, version 0.8 by
- | Jake Page Allows you to play DOOM over a
- | TCP/IP network. Requires a packet driver to
- | access your Ethernet card, so if you don't
- | have one, download OLDIPX.ZIP from the DOOM
- | Conference.
- DMTRAIN1.ZIP 19241 10-18-94 ░░░░▒▒▒▒ Doom Trainer Episode 1 ▒▒▒▒░░░░
- | │ All maps of the 1st episode recorded │
- | │ and completed with 100% kils, items, │
- | │ and secrets. These walk through │
- | │ training demos are intended for b- │
- | │ gining Doom players who don't know │
- | │ there way around Doom (and keep get- │
- | │ ting there butt kicked on multiplayer │
- | │ games!) If you're experienced, give │
- | │ this to a friend who sucks! │
- | ░░░▒▒▒▒ Requires Doom 1.666 ▒▒▒▒░░░
- DMVOID.ZIP 120396 11-17-94 In the ruins of Deimos base, the mop-up crew
- | found plans for a ship that will cross the
- | void between the galaxies...WAD for DOOM
- DMWAD.ZIP 7588 08-12-94 Detailed Specfics of the DOOM .WAD file
- | provides information for programmers and the
- | curious type. Contains additional notes re:
- | Level editors, etc.
- DM_CNTCT.ZIP 27342 08-12-94 ╔═════════╡ The DOOM contact list ╞═════════╗
- | ║ Just got your modem to work with DOOM??? ║
- | ║ Itching to prove your proficiency with a ║
- | ║ BFG9000?!? Use this list to get in touch ║
- | ║ a DOOM fanatic near you!! Fourth revision ║
- | ║ contains players in the USA,Canada,Europe,║
- | ║ & Australia who can be contacted through ║
- | ║ CompuServe. Sample BMP also included. ║
- | ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝
- DM_NO20.ZIP 6196 08-21-94 DOOM KNOW IT ALL ver. 2.0 by Ramyar
- | Jafarkhani.
- DM_SHOCK.ZIP 179177 08-12-94 This is the ***ULTIMATE***Doom Modem
- | Package!! Compiled by one of the best
- | communications (and Doom) experts in the USA!
- | Includes a Bullet Proof Front End, Quick
- | Modem Config, Fossil Driver, Play at almost
- | any speed, External Wad Loader & MORE!! You
- | will NEVER NEED ANYTHING MORE!! Also has an
- | Install Program that sets it ALL up!! You
- DOMOHEL2.ZIP 5434 08-12-94 Help for Doom modem game v1.2
- DOMOHELP.ZIP 2421 08-12-94 This helps find init strings for modems on
- | DOOM
- DOOM11Y.ZIP 93518 10-20-94 IDOOM is a TCP/IP network driver for id
- | Software's DOOM tm . IDOOM allows up to 4
- | players to play DOOM over the Internet using
- | the TCP/IP protocol suite.
- DOOM1SEC.ZIP 3649 08-12-94 Secrets of episode 1 of Doom!
- DOOM2.ZIP 966 10-22-94 This is a small text file which explains
- | which codes changed from DOOM to DOOM ][.
- DOOM2BG.ZIP 10601 12-03-94 DOOM II Beginners Guide.
- DOOM2HOW.ZIP 4138 10-21-94 DOOM II text file, tips and tricks
- DOOM2SEC.ZIP 17426 11-26-94 ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
- | ║ DOOM II Secrets ║
- | ║ ║
- | ║ Secrets for all 32 DOOM II levels ║
- | ║ Uploaded By: Mike Magee ║
- | ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
- DOOM3GEN.ZIP 63375 10-22-94 Doom 1 and Doom 2 modifier info
- DOOMAST.ZIP 40869 10-21-94 94 What is Doomaster? An AWESOME shell progr
- | for Doom II: Hell on Earth. It alws you
- | many options, including making your marine
- | run faster, monsters firemore often, and even
- | creating and reading from alternate parameter
- | files. Sound complicated? Not at it.
- | Doomaster is VERY user friendly and has a
- | detailed help file (READMEOR.DIE) included.
- | Requires Doom II and PKUNZIP v2.04g+
- DOOMBOCA.ZIP 769 08-12-94 BocaModem 14.4 has problems with the modem
- | version of DOOM. This initialization string
- | is successful in making the connection
- DOOMCHT.ZIP 22322 08-12-94 A text file on all levels of DOOM and an
- | editor for saved games.
- DOOMCODE.ZIP 969 08-12-94 Doom Codes!! All you have to do is type these
- | magic words while aying to get stuff like:
- | god mode, full ammo, 200% armor, most
- | weapons, warp to next level, etc...
- DOOMCONF.ZIP 40960 11-21-94 DOOMCONF.ZIP is a compiled version of the
- | DOOM Conference held on the Computer Gaming
- | World Forum on August 1-5, 1994. The guests
- | were ID Software's American McGee, online
- | support, tester, and DOOM level creator, and
- | Shwan Green, on-line support and tester. They
- | answered questions about DOOM and gave a
- | preview of DOOM II.
- DOOMED12.ZIP 27108 02-27-94 DOOMEDIT v.1.2 - Edit DOOM saved games either
- | v.1.0, v.1.1, or v.1.2! Colorful, easy,
- | user-friendly, very comprehensive. A must
- DOOMED3.ZIP 65629 08-13-94 What is DOOMED? DOOM save file editor.
- DOOMEDEX.ZIP 11918 10-26-94 This is a replacement for the file
- | things.def for DoomEd version 3.0
- | lpha 8, and probably DoomEd version
- | 2.60 beta 4 too, but I don't use that
- | I don't really know. This replacement
- | lets you use the sprites from DOOM ][
- | with DoomEd, presuming you have bought
- | and paid for it. To use it just copy it
- | into your DoomEd directory and be sure to
- | change DOOM.WAD to DOOM2.WAD so that you
- | can use all the new textures for DOOM ][.
- | When you have exported your WAD from
- | DoomEd and run IdBSPwat or something like
- | that you just have to use the program
- | DOOM2WAD.EXE to change the WAD DOOM (1)
- DOOMEN17.ZIP 77102 10-18-94 Doom Network Menuing System v17.0
- | DooMenu corrected support for DOOM 2!
- DOOMFIX.ZIP 3966 08-12-94 Summary of DOOM Problem Fixes
- DOOMFX15.ZIP 171034 11-08-94 DoomFX 1.5! New colour backround scheme!
- | Also edit AUTOEXEC & CONFIG from menu! Cool
- | utils including sound editor by DynaSoft with
- | more to come! Remember that your Doom MUST be
- | located in C:\DOOM to use these utils and
- | menu. Your MS-DOS must be in C:\DOS! If you
- | have 4MB RAM available, Doom will run from
- | this menu even if you loaded your mouse! This
- | menu and utils are capable of saving up to 30
- | saved games in compressed archives and every
- | key on the 640 X 480 graphic screen has a
- DOOMGLOV.ZIP 21468 08-12-94 Utility which allows the use of an ATARI
- | power-glove with DOOM.
- DOOMGOD3.ZIP 161992 01-29-95 WADGOD 3.0 - Release 3 of the
- | popular DOOM shell. Now with
- | DOOM II compatibility, user
- | defined menuing, spin control
- | and more.
- DOOMHACK.ZIP 7023 09-07-94 Z E P P E L I N of P W A's complete guide
- | to doom II All cheats, All secret levels
- | All options, All modem setups Everything!
- DOOMIIMD.ZIP 4132 12-04-94 DooM ][ Modem Contact List.
- DOOMINIT.ZIP 2193 08-12-94 Doom Info, Somme undocumented things and
- | modem strings.
- DOOMIT2.ZIP 86911 01-31-95 this is a doom I or ][ loader for external
- | wads and stuff like that.. plus added
- | features like "turbo, up to 250% faster!
- DOOMIT50.ZIP 87069 01-31-95 DOOMIT 5.0 DOOM I/II Shell.
- DOOMIT52.ZIP 89219 11-17-94 DOOM-IT SETUP PROGRAM Version 5.2 is an
- | alternate setup program for DOOM and DOOM 2.
- | By running DOOM-IT to start your single or
- | multiplayer games, one can take full
- | advantage of command-line-only parameters.
- DOOMLOAD.ZIP 129515 08-12-94 ----------------------------------
- | DOOMLOAD v2.01 Alpha
- | ----------------------------------
- | Download the "Original" DOOM Shell
- | -QuickNet & QuickModem Play
- | -"SUDDEN Death" Play
- | -Play-Logging for Novel Networks
- | -LMP Recording/Playback
- | -Full support for DOOM v1.2
- DOOMM430.ZIP 22522 08-12-94 DOOM Modifier version 4.30. Savegame modifier
- | for DOOM version 1.2 and possible later.
- | Newest release, includes bug fixes and
- | support for the registered version of DOOM.
- | Also new additions of godmode,
- | walk-though-walls and slow motion support.
- DOOMMORF.ZIP 486316 08-12-94 This flie is an animation of all the
- | reatures in DOOM morfing into one another.
- | Comes with AAPLAY - a utility to play the
- | animation.
- DOOMODEM.ZIP 949 08-12-94 Doom Modem Configs for the USR Sportster, the
- | Complete PC Turbomodem Plus, and the Suprafax
- | Modem 14.4.
- DOOMOPT.ZIP 1030 08-12-94 Doom Secret Options/Commandline Parameter
- DOOMPCH.ZIP 23713 08-12-94 Doom Save Patcher. Mainly for 2 player net
- | games. Will put you in GOD mode and No
- | Clipping mode along with giving you ALL of
- | the weapons and a MILLION rounds for each!
- DOOMPP.ZIP 114569 08-12-94 Doom parallel port via LAPLINK parallel cable
- | two-player instructions, support programs
- DOOMRTNG.ZIP 9766 08-29-94 Doom rating information
- DOOMSAVR.ZIP 67918 12-17-94 DOOMSAVior v1.0 for Windows. A DOOMSAV file
- | editor so you can get the ULTIMATE action
- | from DOOM and DOOM II. Works with registered
- | versions 1.6, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.7a. Will not
- | work with shareware or beta versions.
- | gtg
- DOOMSG.ZIP 66070 11-26-94 DOOMED is a DOOM save file editor. It edits
- | save files from DOOM releases 1.2, 1.4, 1.5,
- | 1.6 and DOOM 2. It also edits NetDOOM save
- | games, but files must be edited on each node
- | separately. The current DOOMED version is
- | 1.6b. All weapons, ammo, bonuses, keys, GOD,
- | and CLIPPING modes are accessible. The save
- | game description and SKILL level can also be
- | edited.
- DOOMSHEL.ZIP 49797 10-31-94 Shell for doom! And doom ii.
- DOOMSHOT.ZIP 27601 09-21-94 Two cool screen shots for the hit game DOOM
- | ID Software. Taken in a Net DeathMatch
- | game of 2 players. Depicts another net
- | player getting toasted.
- DOOMWARP.ZIP 30986 08-12-94 This is a DOOM Warping utility. With this
- | you can select Episode,Level,Skill,Playback
- | and Record LMP files. Serial Link functions
- | are also accessible. Have Fun
- | Written by Michael Hammond (N8RNH).
- DOOM_DLL.ZIP 9415 08-12-94 ╔═══╤═══════════════════════════════╤═══╤═══╗
- | ║ ═ │███ DOOM icons for WINDOWS ████│ v │ ^ ║
- | ╟───┴───────────────────────────────┴───┴───╢
- | ║ ------- For DOOM! Finatics Only -------- ║
- | ║ This is a collection of 40 icons for use ║
- | ║ in Windw's Program Manager. Instead of ║
- | ║ lame collections of scattered ICO files, ║
- | ║ all 40 icons are contained in a single, ║
- | ║ clean DLL file. Please read the TXT file. ║
- | ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
- DOOM_H1.ZIP 4854 08-12-94 Doom Hints #1
- DSC_1_2.ZIP 30585 08-12-94 94 Here is an updated version of the DSC
- | progrm. It includes the addition of running
- | external WAD files as well as an Episode-
- | LevelSkill Window
- | Written by Michael L. Smart
- DSEDIT20.ZIP 23810 01-23-94 DOOM SOUND EDITOR v2.0 Edit and replace all
- | sounds in DOOM! Supports any version of DOOM!
- | Outputs all sounds to WAV files.
- DSERF27.ZIP 26713 08-12-94 DOOM MODEM PLAY THAT WORKS. This unofficial
- | patch not only fixes the bug in ID's modem
- | play code but allows connections at 14.4.
- | This worked for me on the first try.
- DTEXMAN.ZIP 43191 12-07-94 DTexMan - A Manual to accompany Olivier
- | Montanuy's fine DOOM WAD composers DeuTex and
- | DeuSF. The manual contains all information
- | usually disseminated with these programs in a
- | coordinated format, along with additional
- | information by the manual author.
- DU105.ZIP 180342 11-21-94 DOOMUTIL 1.05 is a powerful DOOM front end
- | for the casual player up to the WAD
- | developer. It provides support for single or
- | multiple player sessions, and extensive PWAD
- | control. Episode/Mission numbers of WADs
- | (maps AND music) can be modified as desired.
- | WADs can be randomized for single or multiple
- | player use, and restoring to the original
- | status requires minimal disk space and
- | effort. Multiple WADs can be compiled into
- | new single WADs manually or automatically.
- DUPMOD10.ZIP 53249 08-12-94 Find duplicate .MOD files regardless of the
- | title. v.1.0
- DVIEW200.ZIP 15281 08-13-94 DoomView 2.0 formerly DoomEdit - take ANY
- | Doom WAD or PWAD, registered or shareware &
- | view any of the graphics and export to BMP
- DVIEW276.ZIP 24665 12-07-94 Mr. Skibone's DoomView v2.76 Views the
- | graphics in ANY Doom I or Doom II WAD or
- | PWAD. Admire the artwork - Export to BMP Fun
- | for the whole family! Programmed by DJ SKI.
- DWM130C.ZIP 29275 08-12-94 Doom Wad Manager 1.30C
- D_DEMO.ZIP 111713 10-29-94 This is a preview copy of the new doom shell
- | by the creators of DOOM/MASTER. The Best PWAD
- | support around. Including a PWAD converter
- | that will automaticly convert PWADS for DOOM
- | (Registered) so they will work with DOOM 2 by
- | using a user-editable script.
- EDMAP123.ZIP 381162 11-26-94 Edmap v1.23. Very good pwad editor for Doom 1
- | or ][.
- ENDOOMER.ZIP 40387 10-10-94 New add-on for DOOM lets you print out colors
- | and patterns.
- EWT.ZIP 52233 09-20-94 WAD Extended tools v1.0
- | This is a little program I wrote to navigate
- | through WAD directory. You can view most of
- | WAD resources (pictures, textures, colormaps,
- | etc), and view/edit them using hex editor.
- | Not much to say about it, but maybe you'll
- | find it useful. Send all suggestions to
- | vels@aldan.cs.biu.ac.il.
- EXEDIT10.ZIP 27356 09-03-94 EXEdit v1.0 a DOOM.EXE Editor DOOM v1.2 only
- | By David Saraniero for the 1.2 registered
- EZDOOM23.ZIP 140940 12-14-94 EZDoom2 is the best menuing system for Doom
- | 2. It allows you to play d write
- | descriptoins for external wads, make batch
- | files, and much more. Built in text edit.
- | FREEWARE!! Worth the download.
- FING0728.ZIP 3680 07-29-94 DOOM betas progress report from ID Software
- FRY.ZIP 39569 11-11-94 DOOM ][ Patch!
- | Dehacked 2.0
- | Changes rocket launcher and/or BFG
- | to use Achvile aacks!
- FTP_SITE.ZIP 1146 11-23-94 Where to find the DOOM sites on the Internet
- | not just infant2, which is always "busy" but
- | the multitude of mirror sites of that server.
- GAMECONN.ZIP 9453 11-21-94 Required Docs if you play OOM and other
- | Modem to Modem Games on MajorBBS's with the
- | "GAME CONNECTION" Module. Als contains a
- | list of the currently supported games.
- GUS1M.ZIP 4387 05-08-94 Optimized GUS MIDI mapping WAD for DOOM
- IBSP102D.ZIP 108993 11-08-94 IDBSP is a straight port of the NextStep
- | Objective-C source uploaded to ftp.uwp.edu in
- | April, 1994 by John Carmack of id. The
- | program takes a DWD file as input and builds
- | a PWAD file which can then be used with the
- | -file command line parameter for DOOM.
- ID_DM10.ZIP 35433 12-24-94 Frontend Manager For Doom, Doom II
- | And Heretic Created By "id Software". THE
- | OFFICIAL FRONTEND Shell For NetPlay.
- INVIMP.ZIP 21139 02-09-95 A DooM ][ 1.7a Dehacked patch that will make
- | all SNARLIES (Imps) invisible. Also their
- | fireballs are invisible. Great for those of
- | you who are bored with the same old stuff.
- LMPC21.ZIP 31288 12-06-94 LMPC v2.1 The DOOM LMP Control Program
- | *** by Uwe Girlich ****
- | LMPC a small utility to handle .LMP files.
- | It is based upon the information in the
- | "Unofficial LMP format description".
- | With LMPC you can get informations about
- | a LMP, change the version and viewing
- | player's number and (this is the main part)
- | you compile and recompile a LMP from and
- | to a LS file. LS stands for "Lmp Source".
- LOAD_WAD.ZIP 2564 08-12-94 Quick how to on loading patch wads, lmps plus
- | cheat codes.
- MDE10.ZIP 124446 08-12-94 ** MDE: My DOOM Editor NEW(!) v1.00 ** DOS
- | Based DOOM Editor. Modify objects, modify
- | light levels, floor/ceiling heights and set
- | up special areas - acid damage, blinking
- | lights,etc..)!! Even set up crushing
- | ceilings, moving platforms, and teleports!
- | Now with PWAD support and wall texture
- | preview!
- METRICS.ZIP 4154 06-15-94 Text file describing sizes of objects,
- | monsters, and your Doomguy for Doom.
- MODEM.ZIP 843 08-12-94 MODEM.CFG for ZOOM v.32turbo for DOOM
- MODEMCFG.ZIP 573 08-12-94 Modem config for US Robotics sportster modems
- | to play Doom v1.2
- MODHEL3.ZIP 6520 08-12-94 Text file with MANY popular modem init
- | strings for DOOM 1.2
- MONSTERS.ZIP 10043 10-20-94 Listing of ALL monsters in DOOM II.
- MPGS103.ZIP 13705 02-09-95 MPGS.PPE v1.30ß for PCBoard v15.21+
- | ■───────────────────────────────────────────■
- | DooM - DooM - DooM - Doom - DooM - DooM
- | Multi Player Doom Game Server via a
- | multinode BBS using custom PassThrough cables
- | A very nice, quick, and easy to set up
- | interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast!
- | MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
- | O'Fallon, Illinois, USA
- | Coded by WizBandit, SYSOP:T∞R∞N
- MYMODEM.ZIP 798 08-12-94 Hey you guys having trouble with US Robotics
- | Sportster 14400 for DOOM? Check my MODEM.CFG
- PCHNG.ZIP 125668 10-31-94 Picture Change Version 1.3a creates
- | executible batch files that change the grafix
- | in the ID Software game DOOM.
- PTW3DMKR.ZIP 39020 08-12-94 Batch files sed with Alchemy to make DOOM
- | sprites
- REJECT11.ZIP 57348 12-01-94 --== REJECT.EXE version 1.1.0 ==--
- | REJECT.EXE is a command line based
- | utility used for building the REJECT
- | resource in a DOOM or DOOM 2 PWAD file.
- | It post-processes a PWAD which has been
- | created using a level editor such as
- | DEU. It's main purpose is to speed up
- | slow PWAD files by reducing the number
- | of line-of-sight calculations performed
- | by the DOOM engine.
- RGDE211S.ZIP 543083 11-25-94 Great new DOOM/DOOM II editor from Renegade
- | Graphics. Very powerful but easy to use.
- | Faster, more complete than previous
- | offerings.
- | You can do it all!
- RMB10.ZIP 136947 09-02-94 RMB V1.00 A DOOM reject map builder.
- | To speed up the real time action!
- SER4A.ZIP 48947 10-22-94 Updated serial device driver for DOOM
- SERAD210.ZIP 60061 11-08-94 DOOM: HELL ON EARTH Utility - SeradTWO 1.0 -
- | Through SerSetup, SeradTWO allows you to play
- | DOOM TWO through the modem w/mouse with many
- | more options than id Software would DARE.
- SRDM1118.ZIP 80188 12-20-94 SIRDOOM v1.118. Play 4-player DOOM via modem.
- | SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will all
- | you to call your favorite Major BBS system
- | running the multi-player version of Game
- | Connection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
- | against a group of friends or acquaintances.
- ULTED10B.ZIP 99428 09-20-94 Ultimate DOOM Editor v1.0b for OS/2 2.x
- ULTRA_2.ZIP 30562 12-12-94 A completely fair Deathmatch level to prevent
- | whining crybabies - everyone starts in a spot
- | with ammo and weapons, and no other weapons
- | (i.e. BFG, Rocket Launcher.etc.) are
- | available. Requires DOOM II - Hell on Earth.
- VERDA020.ZIP 96236 11-08-94 VERDA v0.20 is an add-on utility to work with
- | DOOM by id software. It can be used to view
- | various pieces of map information on WAD and
- | PWAD files. You can choose to use VERDA to
- | modify your primary WAD file, or you can edit
- | PWAD files instead. In keeping with the
- | wishes of id software, it will not modify a
- | shareware WAD file, and in order to edit
- | PWAD file you must have access to a
- | registered WAD file.
- WADED181.ZIP 150930 01-23-95 WADED v1.81 beta - Excellent Doom Map Editor!
- | MAJOR BUGS FIXED! Delete versions 1.70-1.79.
- | Please distribute v1.81 as much as possible.
- | Many new additions and changes since v1.49.
- | Written by Matthew Ayres
- WADGC2.ZIP 21339 08-02-94 The file WADGC.ZIP contains working
- | beta source for my tools WADGC
- | and WADLC, acronyms for WAD Graphics
- | Compiler and WAD Level Compiler.
- WADGOD20.ZIP 137414 08-09-94 WADGOD v2.0 - handy shell for DOOM
- | It launches your WAD, LMP and TXT
- | files from ZIP files compressed. Space saver.
- WADLIST.ZIP 10911 09-09-94 WADLIST is a DOOM wad directory lister. Works
- | with PWAD or IWAD. Includes filtered list
- | option and redirection of results to file or
- | printer.
- WADMASTR.ZIP 65033 12-03-94 WADMASTER v.9 The ULTIMATE WAD utility for
- | DOOM2. Import/Export any - PCX, WAV, or MUS
- | file to/from WADs. - View the graphics, hear
- | the sound effects, listen to the music. Tag
- | and - move/export a number of entries at -
- | once. Work with all fourteen DOOM2 -
- WADMN103.ZIP 157898 11-12-94 WadMan V1.03. Convert ALL of
- | Your DOOM 1.2 stuff to DOOM2
- | Features:
- | Build Custom PWADs containing
- | MAPxx levels for DOOM2 from
- | DOOM 1.2 or 1.6 PWADs.
- | Use all the GFX patches made
- | for DOOM 1.2 or .6 with
- | DOOM2!!
- | Many More!
- WADRNR15.ZIP 124537 11-09-94 WAD_Runner v1.5 "Windows" style gui shell
- | for id software's DOOM. Select external WAD
- | files from pick list, start at any episode
- | or level, launch network or serial games,
- | Ipx detection, and more. Easy point and
- | click operation. Supports alternate WADfile
- | directory. Now FREEWARE!!!!!
- | Creates WAD files from .VOC's or other
- | found WAD's. Sounds can be played from
- | the editor on Sound Blaster compat. cards.
- | Registered DOOM required. FREE!
- WADSV11.ZIP 4224 08-12-94 WAD FILE LISTING AS OF 6/21/94 06/21/94
- | ---------WAD FILE LIST------------------
- WADWHA11.ZIP 35692 08-30-94 WADWHAT 1.1 by Randall R. Spangler
- | For use with Id Software's DOOM!
- | Prints the contents of a WAD file; calculates
- | difficulty ratio for each map. FREEWARE.
- WAD_REV.ZIP 12243 08-06-94 Review of 400+ WAD files
- WLZTEXT.ZIP 18692 11-01-94 WalzTextureReplacer Version 1.0 =-
- | This program allows you to turn your
- | VERY SLOW however. A 300Kb file can
- | take around 30 minutes or more depend-
- | ing on your computer. It was written
- | in Modula-2 so I was very limited.
- | What the program does is search the old
- | wad file for doom 1 texture strings and
- | replaces them with ones that can be used
- | in doom 2.
- WSORT100.ZIP 57689 09-20-94 *-* WadSort v1.00 *-*
- | Wadsort is a Wad file Orga-
- | nizer for DOOM. It supports
- | Normal/Modem/Serial/Network
- | Game play as well as DOOM
- | version up to 1.6 Further,
- | Wadsort also supports the
- | use of Pwads compressed by
- | PKZIP or ARJ.
- WT100.ZIP 26739 08-12-94 DOOM .WAD file viewer/editor
- _MLEV11.ZIP 33666 11-07-94 MULTILEV v1.1 by Scott Mitting for DOOM 1.666
- | Most Doom Editors won't allow you to have
- | multiple levels in your PWADs. I got mad at
- | that this afternoon and started programming.
- | This is what I came up with.